We're So Glad You're Here!
Our Beliefs
Who is Jesus?
We believe that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all mankind. He is our reason for existence, our example to follow and our Redeemer for eternity. It is through Jesus Christ that the entire world was redeemed back unto God. Belief in Jesus Christ and water baptism in His name signals to God your acceptance of the gift that is His Son.
What do we Believe?
The scriptures are inspired
There is only one true God
Jesus Christ is the Son of God
The Holy Spirit dwells in believers
The fall and salvation of man
Why Does It Matter?
Without Jesus, no one can approach the Father. There are untold numbers of people – potentially including yourself – who are living without a full knowledge of who Jesus is or what He has made available to all who call upon His Name. Without that knowledge, their life, destiny, and eternity will be forever lacking.
Who are We?
We are a diverse community of spirit-filled worshipers that are focused with great passion on the privilege to serve both God and people with excellence, love, and compassion. Our house is served by a pastor and first lady that have dedicated their life to the call of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are assisted in this mission by volunteers and staff that share the same heart and vision.
What Do We Do?
Our ministries are designed and constantly refined to effectively minister to the entire family while providing support, leadership and care for each individual. Our focus is on helping every believer advance in his or her relationship with God and be all that He created them to be.
Why Do We Exist?
To REACH the lost with the good news of the Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance made available by the finished work of Jesus Christ.
To DISCIPLE believers to live a life pleasing and acceptable to a holy God.
To EMPOWER each individual to effectively fulfill the unique calling God has placed upon their life.
Who are You?
We believe that you are a purposed child of the Most High God. You are empowered, called, and commissioned by God to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature (Mark 16:15). We believe that you were known by God before your conception and He wants nothing more than to see you prosper in your calling.
What To Expect
An anointed, Spirit-led worship service where traditional is blended with modern.
Inspired Biblical preaching and teaching.
A loving, caring community where you and your entire family are welcomed and valued.
An atmosphere where realness and sincerity is prioritized.
Why Do We Do What We Do?
Our praise and worship experience may look a little different than what you are used to. It is our desire to worship in a way that is according to God’s Word. Sometimes the service will be structured; other times it will be spontaneous. At times, it may be loud and demonstrative while alternately very quiet. In every case, the name of the Lord is lifted high.